Digital Cases
There is no doubt that digital dentistry is changing many of the paradigms in our industry. From taking the impression to fabricating restorations, digital technology has grown very rapidly.
Although many have adopted digital technology for their basic needs, it is in some of the more complex case techniques that this technology may be utilized the best.
Our talented CAD-CAM technicians can perfectly duplicate the approved provisional or go-by model in restorative material.
At Zahn Technik, we will make sure that the restorations are in an optimum position functionally and aesthetically before we start the sintering of the zirconia or pressing of the Emax restorations.
As an added service, we can email the CAD images of our design to you for review before we mill and finalize the restorations.
You would have the chance to discuss the design, length, width, and contours of the monolithic restorations before you get them back completed.
Our goal at Zahn Technik is to use digital technology to deliver consistent quality every time.
Currently, we are able to accept files from the following systems: